Spring Has Sprung
- Blog

Hi, everyone!
I’m so excited that spring is in the air. With flowers starting to bloom and trees budding, so is love and romance!
It’s been a busy year for me, and I’ve kept my head buried in the computer working to put out new projects.
I’m thrilled to say that book 3 in the Slaughter Creek series – WORTH DYING FOR – will be out soon! Also, I just finished the sequel, the 4th book in the series, DYING FOR LOVE which should be out in the fall!
WORTH DYING FOR takes you into the mind of another sadistic serial killer born from the Slaughter Creek experiments and brings together Agent/profiler Liz Lucas with her former lover/coworker Agent Rafe Hood. Suspenseful and sexy!
And finally, you get Amelia Nettleton’s story in DYING FOR LOVE! Her story is an emotional and suspenseful journey, and I promise there are lots of twists and turns along the ride.
I’ll be at the Romantic Times Convention in New Orleans in May signing the first three books and would love to meet readers if you’re in the area.
More news to come on the writing front soon!
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